Become the CEO of Your Own Health
& Finally Come Home to Yourself

Become the CEO of Your Own Health & Finally Come Home to Yourself

…without feeling like it’s all your fault.

…without dieting ever again.

…and without information overload and confusion around the next best steps for healing and feeling so much better.

Now you can rest in our collective space for wellness where you’ll feel safe, loved, heard and valued.

Because you’ll start feeling better before you know it, you’ll be able to begin to live your life again instead of  constantly focusing on how bad you feel and what to do about it.

The world will again be full of possibilities for you…

When you have poor health, you have one dream, when you have your health you have a million dreams! Yes, yes, yes!

What Women Are Saying

“I felt like a ghost of myself.

I didn’t know what was going on with my body.

A couple years ago I was feeling down for the count.

I had hot flashes and mood swings, low blood sugar, digestion issues, and heart palpitations. I had to quit exercising because I had no energy. The list goes on and on and on…I felt terrible.

I’m a choir director and had a hard time leading. No matter what I did I just couldn’t find myself.

I finally said ‘YES I’m ready’ and joined the Heal Your Hormones 12-month program. I don’t know why I waited so long.

Oh my gosh, I’m feeling so much better. Just doing all the testing and being supported by Robin’s team to know what I needed next has made all the difference. I’m back at the gym and doing yoga again. I have stable energy all day. I’m back to living my life and playing full out.

Robin’s entire team is amazing. They are so supportive. I’m so grateful because I’m doing what I love in the world and feeling full.

I’m now giving from the overflow instead of from a very depleted place. I have a lot to give and the Heal Your Hormones program gave me the belief that I could get better.”

- Heather Houston

“It was like someone had put my finger in an electric socket. I was just blown away!

I found Robin as a guest speaker in an online conference and she really resonated with me.

I was coming out of long COVID with all kinds of horrible complications.

But long before that I had always struggled with adrenal fatigue and had been sick since college.

I had no energy, brain fog, my creativity was gone, I was not able to make decisions, and I had a lot of grief and depression.

I couldn’t sleep. I was up nine times a night, and had gained a tremendous amount of weight, I was bloated and gassy, and from long COVID I developed two heart issues.

I lost my sense of taste and smell and my scalp started to burn. I lost so much hair that it was awful. I was overweight but couldn’t even think about that. I was going down the tubes so fast.

I’m a holistic nutritionist and stress management consultant basically to figure out my own stuff. I’ve been in the field for a long time but I needed this program to help me figure it out.

I knew that Robin’s Heal Your Hormones program was the missing link for me.

I can tell you I’m not the same person I was.

I have vibrant energy, I sleep through the night, I wake up refreshed without an alarm, I lost 37 pounds within three months without dieting. And then I lost another 3 pounds later – so 40 pounds total.

I was in a clothing size 10-12 and now I’m in a size 4-6. I’m not emaciated – I look healthy. It hasn’t been hard at all to maintain my weight for these past nine months. I don’t even think about it.

I grew my hair back and the color is amazing. It’s my real hair with no gray.

This program checks all the boxes! You have to look at every aspect of yourself: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..

It’s not just one thing. I’m a work in progress but now I know how to take care of myself and check in when I see that things are shifting.

Robin empowers and inspires women to figure things out on their own – to live a heart-centered life and to re-imagine and re-envision what they want for themselves.

This program gives women the opportunity to step into their best health and their best lives.

More love, more money, more success, more health and well being, better relationships. Who doesn’t want that?!”

- Kimberly Miles

In This Year-Long Immersion You will Receive…

Your Personal Health Plan

You’ll create a personalized plan step-by-step throughout the year with your coaches, through testing, classes and assessments. You’ll be supported from top to bottom and from the inside out.

12 Private 1:1 Coaching Calls + A Bonus One-Hour Private "Get-Started" Coaching Call

You set the time and day for each throughout the year with one of our Natural Hormone Solution trained coaches. These private coaching sessions are priceless. This is where you’ll set your path for success and review test results.

12 Group Coaching Calls: 1st Sunday of Every Month at 2pm Pacific on Zoom

Each month you’ll have direct access to Robin to support you with your unique health situation and goals. Each month has a specific hormone balancing topic that will give you powerful insights into how to up-level your health.

All group classes are recorded and posted to your exclusive member-only website.

12 "Office Hour” Sessions: Second Thursday of each month at 1pm Pacific on Zoom

Each month you’ll get to join in with Robin or one of our amazing coaches to get all of your questions answered. It’s a wonderful opportunity to be supported in between private consults.

The beginning of all Office Hour sessions are recorded (where Robin will share some important information on our monthly topic) and posted to your members-only website in case you can’t make the call live (or just want to review).

12 Group Health Mindset Classes: Third Thursday of each month at 4pm Pacific on Zoom

Every month Coach Kia Nesmith will help you break through limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns like fear, resistance and doubt that are keeping you stuck. She’ll be your biggest cheerleader, giving you the mindset tools and support you need to reach all of your health goals.

SIX Tests Over the Course of the Year

Strategically scheduled testing throughout the year that includes comprehensive blood work, digestion, brain chemistry, the six hormones/circadian rhythm plus more, organic acids with powerful biomarkers, and food intolerance to help you discover your hormone deal-breakers (root causes).

You’ll Discover…

Discover Your Hormone Deal-Breakers: Testing & Assessments

This program includes SIX comprehensive tests for each phase of the program along with comprehensive assessments that will help you identify your root causes of hormone imbalance so we can address them and stop your vital life force from leaking energy.

Individualized Supplement Protocol and Supplement Portal

The right nutrients in the right dosing with the right cofactors play a big role in helping you heal more quickly. This is one of our many magic super powers! Throughout the year we put together just the right supplement protocol for where you are right now. We use your test results along with current symptoms you’re noticing to fill in the gaps so you become more and more balanced.

Comprehensive Food Support

Learn what it really means to eat for hormone balance, and why this is an important aspect of overall health for getting balanced and staying there. Dieting…be GONE.

Digestion Reset

It could be said that all disease begins in the gut, so conversely, all healing begins in the gut. The first quarter of the program is about healing digestion and getting your energy back.

Brain Chemistry Reset

We actually test your brain chemistry within the first two months of beginning the program. It’s common for brain chemicals to be depleted so it makes it hard to feel motivated, sleep well and be happy. We can use amino acid therapy to build your brain chemistry back up while your body is healing so you’re more motivated to take better care of yourself.

Adrenal, Thyroid  & Sex Hormone Reset

During the entire program we’re focusing on optimizing adrenal and thyroid function for better energy, stress resilience, blood sugar balance, sex hormone production macronutrient (food) utilization, and a better functioning metabolism. We take a closer look at thyroid health in the third quarter of the program, and then sex hormone health (ie progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA) along with cortisol (your circadian rhythm) in the fourth quarter to see how you’re doing and where you might need additional support.

What Your Test Results Mean

We’re not going for FINE, we’re going for OPTIMAL health. You’ll learn how to interpret your test results, and you’ll have all the support you need for becoming the woman in charge of her own health.


This may not sound so sexy, but it’s truly one of the most important parts of the program. Supporting your body’s systems to get rid of toxins more efficiently is key to healing and feeling well. We’ll do a comprehensive detox inside and out several times during our year together as your body heals on all the different levels.


This is the magic elixir of health where hormones get re-balanced, your brain gets cleansed (neurotoxic waste products are removed), memory is supported, muscles get stronger, inflammation goes down and so much more. Discover what a good night’s sleep looks like to support hormone balance. We’ll help you focus on where you might need support for a better night’s sleep so you’ll feel better and better.


A key component of feeling well, it’s often been done the wrong way – especially for women. You’ll learn how to move your body for hormone balance so it’s nourishing and building, and what types of exercise are best for you right now so your body isn’t more stressed out, but begins to thrive. You’ll feel stronger and more confident.

Immune System Support

This aspect of our program is huge. You’ll learn the state of your immune system from the lab testing we do, and everything we teach you  in the program will help to support it so you are healthier more and more of the time.

Life & Stress Strategies

We’re in it. Life is happening all the time. It seems like there is often one challenge after another. As you go through the program you’ll navigate these “challenges” with more and more grace because you’ll be stronger and more stress resilient. The little things just won’t bother you so much anymore, and you’ll be able to be present with whatever is happening in your life. Deep breath here as life just gets easier and a lot more fun.


This is a very special aspect of our program. As you heal all of your relationships will improve. But we’ll also give you our key tools for thriving in all of your relationships. You’ll learn how to ask for what you want, how to be in a place of love and the present moment all the time (without feeling anxious or wanting to get to the next thing), how to continue to choose you and stop being a people pleaser, how to stand in your power, and finally how to be generous and loving all at the same time.

Individualized Supplement Protocol and Supplement Portal

The right nutrients in the right dosing with the right cofactors play a big role in helping you heal more quickly. This is one of our many magic super powers! Throughout the year we put together just the right supplement protocol for where you are right now. We use your test results along with current symptoms you’re noticing to fill in the gaps so you become more and more balanced.


Resource Library

You’ll have access to Robin’s Resource Library and Protocols.

Sometimes things come up like urinary tract infections, sinus infections, diarrhea, skin issues, immune challenges, what to do pre and post surgery, etc. so we have standard health protocols for these and many other situations like how to stay healthy while traveling.



Private Facebook Group and What’s App group for Networking and staying up to date with the program.

This online support community is a great resource for networking and connecting with other amazing members as well as posting questions and requests for feedback between our live calls… so support is always just a click away!



Private Facebook Group and What’s App group for Networking and staying up to date with the program.

This online support community is a great resource for networking and connecting with other amazing members as well as posting questions and requests for feedback between our live calls… so support is always just a click away!

What Women Are Saying

“It was New Year’s Eve and I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and I literally gave up on myself. The entire last year after everything I’d tried, I’d lost a whopping 1 pound. I told myself, ‘It’s a New Year but big deal, nothing’s going to happen.’

Hearing myself say that was horrible. It wasn’t me. I’m very driven but I felt completely deflated and defeated.

My doctor had just put me on a high blood pressure medication and I was angry. I had low self esteem, hot flashes, was 40 pounds overweight, hypothyroid, diagnosed with osteopenia, urinary incontinence, skin issues, insomnia and low libido – NO sex drive.

I had spent a fortune on ‘magic’ pills, programs and exercise equipment, but this program is different. It’s like nothing I had seen before. 

I said YES to the Heal Your Hormones program immediately, and my health and my life completely turned around.

By the end of the 12 months I was completely off the high blood pressure medication! My metabolism had improved so much – I lost 32 pounds. Urinary incontinence was gone. I felt much calmer and my skin was beautiful. I now have a healthy libido, and confidence up the wazoo! A very unexpected outcome was that my marriage improved. What a blessing. I can’t recommend this program enough.”

- Kris McQuown

“I would have to say that there’s my life before I found the Heal Your Hormones program and then my life after I found it.

I had decided that I wasn’t going to make any more New Year’s resolutions any longer. They didn’t work. And I finally realized there was something hormonal going on but wasn’t sure what it was.

I have suffered from health issues probably since I was 11 years old but most recently I was 100 pounds overweight, had hirsutism, GERD (acid reflux) acne, joint pain, seasonal allergies, dry skin, brain fog, lack of energy – passing out every day around 3pm – crabby, depressed, anxious, and the hair on my head was falling out… and one thing I didn’t even know was a symptom of hormone imbalance – procrastination. I thought it was a moral flaw.

Almost 50 years of not feeling my best – this is a long time to be unhappy. 

I had been blaming myself for my weight gain all this time.

I couldn’t think of a time in my life when I had taken a bite of food and not felt guilty.

I was afraid to say yes to the Heal Your Hormones program because I felt it was a huge commitment of time, energy and money., but mostly because I believed I wasn’t worth it.

But I had a nest egg for an emergency… and finally the light bulb went on that I was the emergency!

It was quite the ah ha moment for me that I was valuing a car or a new roof more than my own life.

And then I realized I can always get more money.

When I really listened to my body it was saying YES, YES, YES. And for the first time I listened.

I was familiar with a lot of what Robin teaches, but somehow she brings it all together in a way that makes perfect sense and works!

I’ve lost 50 pounds, my joint pain completely went away. I now have beautiful skin, healthy digestion (no more GERD), balanced moods, mental clarity and my hair is growing back! I no longer have seasonal allergies and can go outside any time of year to work in my garden.

I’ve healed everything…

…and I’ve come back to myself. With my newly found energy and life, the money just flows. This program has truly transformed my life!”

- Laura Solomon

“I felt like I was screaming and nobody was listening. 

I was truly in a health crisis. it had built up over time, but I just kept ignoring they signs. I had two weeks every month of horrible PMS, I would snap at nothing. I suffered with terrible migraine headaches and people would tell me I was “just” going through ‘the change’. I was overweight, suffered from depression and anxiety, had no libido, brain fog, varicose veins, insomnia, fatigue and restless legs. The list was endless.

And then it happened.

I was out to lunch with my husband and had my first panic attack. I didn’t know what was happening. My heart started beating really fast and i felt like I was going to pass out. My blood pressure was sky high. I thought I could sleep it off, but It didn’t go away. I kept being told that everything is “fine”. I’m a chiropractor so I knew everything wasn’t fine. I take care of people all day long and I needed to feel well. So, that was it. My body just shut down. I couldn’t work for six weeks. Not only that but I literally couldn’t get out of bed, and I was scared to death.

I had never taken any medication before and I ended up with high blood pressure meds, anxiety pills and valium but I didn’t know what else to do. My life force was just dwindling down. I thought I was going to die – it was that bad.

I joined the Heal Your Hormones program and never looked back.

I feel the best I’ve felt in two decades! I healed everything – I feel full of vitality now. I was able to get off all the meds that were my lifeline at the time. But most importantly, my two daughters have their mom back.

I lost 45 pounds as a side benefit of getting healthy. I feel confident and sexy now and my chiropractic office won Chiropractor of the year in the tri-state area! What a blessing.

This program has given me my life back in ways I could have never imagined.”

- Kimberly Taylor

about Heal your Hormones

Frequently Asked Questions

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When does the program begin?

Our Welcome Class is on July 1st but as soon as you register you’ll get started right away with your New Client Forms, your very first test, and you’ll meet for an hour with Coach Kia to set your path for our year together.

What if I’m busy and don’t have a lot of time?

This is certainly true for most of us. You’ll find that as you begin to heal and feel better, you’ll have enough time for everything that’s important to you. You’ll actually feel like you’re getting time back!

I've been diagnosed with specific condition that may prevent me from being successful. Is this program still able to help me?

Mostly YES. Your body has incredible healing wisdom when given the right tools and support. You’ll find that all sorts of ailments begin to heal once we help you discover your hormone dealbreakers – those “root” causes of why your body is out of balance, and then address them. 

I've had a lot of testing and my results always come back as "normal". How do you help me heal if the testing shows there's nothing wrong?

This is quite common. “Normal” test results just means that you don’t have disease yet. This program helps you move your body to more optimal health, not disease or symptom management. That’s why your test results can be “normal” (within laboratory reference range) but you don’t feel well.

What about supplements? How do you address this in the program?

This program utilizes nutraceutical grade supplements that contain cofactors so the nutrients actually work. They are what we have found to be the cleanest and best through the 20 years we’ve been supporting clients. We use more therapeutic dosing so you’ll feel better faster, and we use a variety of manufacturers depending on your need.

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How does the HYH program testing work?

You’ll receive SIX tests as part of this incredible program They are strategically placed throughout the year as you begin healing. There are two comprehensive blood tests, one digestion test, on brain chemistry test, one food intolerance test and one hormone/adrenal test. They’ll help you to discover where you need support and you’ll love the objective information that you can’t get any other way.

Can I use health insurance to pay for the program or the testing?

No. Insurance does not cover any part of this program.

Is the program helpful for vegetarians?

Yes, absolutely. However, if you’re a vegan this program may not be right for you.

What if I'm already working with my doctor or other practitioner?

Many of our clients have a team they’re working with. You’ll find that this program is quite comprehensive. We invite you to play full out in your year with us so you can see the best results.

What happens if I'm feeling better before the end of the year?

This will absolutely happen and we look forward to celebrating with you every step of the way! The state of health is quite dynamic. That’s why it’s important to have continued support as you navigate your beautiful life.

You Don’t Have to Figure it All Out for Yourself!

You’re not alone anymore. We’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of healing and feeling so much better. We’re honored to support you on the most important journey of your life. Your health journey.

You’ll Receive:


Your Personal Health Plan


SIX Tests Over the Course of the Year


12 Private 1:1 Coaching Calls + A Bonus One-Hour Private “Get-Started” Coaching Call


12 Group Coaching Calls: 1st Sunday of Every Month at 2pm Pacific on Zoom


12 “Office Hour” Classes: Third Second of each month at 1pm Pacific on Zoom


12 Group Health Mindset Classes: Third Thursday of each month at 4pm Pacific on Zoom


Robin’s Resource Library and Protocols


BONUS: Private Facebook Group and What’s App group for Networking and staying up to date with the program


BONUS: Coach Access daily for quick questions in between classes and consults.

Have Questions or Need Additional Support?


Please e-mail us at:

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

Copyright 2024 – Juvenescence, LLC. – All Rights Reserved