Lose Weight, Eliminate Anxiety & Boost Energy... Naturally

Next Reset Begins in January 2025.

Join the Waitlist and be the first to know when the doors open!

Dear Beautiful Woman,

Are you feeling a little...or a lot...unbalanced?

You're not alone.

You may have gained 10-20 pounds, and you may feel like you have very little control…over ANYTHING.

If you're like most women right now, you're feeling like your HORMONES and metabolism are all out of whack, but you're not sure how to get back in balance.

Did you know that it takes only THREE days to reset a metabolic hormone?

You can balance your progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones in a very short period of time to feel so much better.

It's a whole metabolism reset.

I'll show you just how to do it over seven days to lose weight, eliminate anxiety and boost your energy, naturally, without ever dieting again.

Even if you've been "stuck" for what seems like forever.

Each day we will...

  • Take a hormone assessment so you can see what's really going on, and then I’ll help you uncover your “root causes” of hormone imbalance.
  • Show you the steps to take charge of your health now, FINALLY, so you feel more on purpose, in control, balanced, less reactive, stronger, happier and more stress-resilient. Even lighter…
  • Show you EXACTLY what to do to support your body each day to reset your HORMONES so you can feel more like yourself.

This is YOUR TIME to finally feel so much better!

I'll show you how to feel so much better with grace and ease to begin the New Year with a lot more confidence and a path to feeling well.

Women pay thousands of dollars to work with me privately, but membership in my annual program is limited and not for everyone.

So I developed this program as my gift for every woman, because this information is foundational to feel your best.

Over 15,000 women have participated in Robin's Hormone Reset since 2020, and many have seen incredible results.

You will too!

Join me now beautiful woman and let’s reset our hormones together, naturally. Let's make this year the year that you take back control of your health and your life.

Love xo,

What Women Are Saying

About Robin's Hormone Reset

Meet Your Host

Robin Nielsen

Robin Nielsen is a Functional Clinical Nutritionist, and Women’s Hormone Expert specializing in hormone balance, to help women grow younger no matter what their age.

She's helped thousands of women become the CEO of their own health so they can THRIVE.

She is the Founder of Natural Hormone Solution, supporting women in midlife around peri-menopause and menopause, and she’s the CEO of Insulite Health, pcos.com - the world’s largest and most comprehensive company supporting women with PCOS naturally.

Robin is the creator of the very popular 15-Day Hormone Reset Program, Robin's Hormone Reset, the Natural Hormone Solution Membership program, is co-creator of the Sexy Younger You! conferences and programs, and is the creator of the Natural Solutions for PCOS online conference.

Robin has interviewed more than 200 of the world’s leading health care experts on the science to take charge of your own health, heal naturally, and be and stay well. Feel fabulous!

Robin is past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, Silicon Valley Chapter, and past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She has been featured on the CBS television program Eye on the Bay CBS showcasing her life changing women's retreats.

NEXT STEP: Join Robin's HORMONE Reset Waitlist

Lose Weight, Eliminate Anxiety & Boost Energy... Naturally

Next Reset Begins January 2025. Join the Waitlist and get an email when registration opens!

Robin Nielsen, Hormone Expert

Loved By Our Clients

What Women Are Saying

About Robin's Hormone Reset

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What all does it entail? +

A: The program is for 7 days for 1-2 hours each day. That’s how I get you to be conscientious around your health! It's a commitment but if you can't be on live with me, be sure to watch the replay later that day or anytime until the program ends. This is the best way to see results. It's truly a love fest with so many beautiful like-minded women helping one another overcome the challenges of hormone imbalance.

Q: How is the program delivered? On Zoom or through email? +
A: This program is held exclusively on Zoom and in our private Facebook group.
Q: Is the reset a class live online or is it recorded? +

A: The classes are live via Zoom and in the Hormone Reset Facebook group. If you are unable to be on live, you can also catch the recordings on Facebook anytime until the end of the program.

Q: What does this program teach? +

A: It's a very simple program where each day I'll give you hormone balancing tips based on a different topic - all the topics help to address the root causes of hormone imbalance. 

Q: I purchased this program last time and I’d like to do it again. How do I go about doing this? +

A: If you are Reset Graduate, you’re automatically in! You should begin receiving emails about the next program and be sure to check in in the Facebook Group (Hormone Reset) to get all the scoop!

Q: So... does this actually work? Very skeptical that all this can be done. +

A: There are no quick fixes and this is NOT a quick fix program, but rather sustainable for a lifetime. For example, one woman started to lose weight during the program, and continued with what she learned in the program once it was over. Three months later she’s lost 30 pounds. This program will teach you the rules around balancing your hormones and when you follow them you can see profound results. You'll be amazed at how simple changes can make such a big difference in how you feel. 

Q: Does this program go over the role of each hormone as well? +

A: Yes, a little bit. We don't go in-depth about each hormone, because this program is about balancing the SIX hormones not about more clinical stuff. But, about a week before the program begins we'll all be taking a Complete Hormone Assessment so you can see some of the symptoms associated with each hormone. And they overlap at times. Then during the program I'll share how the hormones interact which is truly a game changer. I hope this helps! xo

Q: Will this help with anxiety and facial hair?? 😥 chin and neck area? +

A: Yes, absolutely. This program was designed to eliminate anxiety. PLUS you'll learn why you're getting the hair on your chin and neck and how to stop it!

Q: Can you do this program while on birth control? +

A: Yes absolutely. Women on birth control are most often prescribed birth control to manage symptoms of hormone imbalance. You’ll learn how to balancee your hormones naturally so you can make more informed choices moving forward.

Q: Is this program helpful and safe if you are breastfeeding? +

A: Yes! It will be quite supportive for you and for baby.

Q: Does this program have guidance with supplements that are safe/compatible with breastfeeding? +

A: Supplements are not required to do this program, but since you really want to I think you will see even better results. I suggest my Pregnancy Plus System that is for any woman still menstruating really, but specifically for women who are pregnant or nursing. You can learn more here: https://bit.ly/PregPlus

Q: I am going to be having a baby during the plan would it be better to wait until another one? +

A: This is a perfect time to learn all the things I teach in this program so you can begin implementing them asap. It will benefit you and your new family so much. Do as much as you can during the 15 Days Live and then consider purchasing Lifetime Access to all the recordings so you can finish as you have time. I'm so excited for you dear!

Q: Does this help if you are in menopause? +

A: Yes, absolutely. This program is for all women, including those who have gone through surgical-induced menopause. It will help you so much!

Q: Would this work if you’re 35 and going into peri-menopause? Everything I read points to this being irreversible. +

A: Absolutely. Forget what you’ve been told. This program will teach you about hormone balance and Robin’s 15 “secrets”to balancing hormones. You’ll learn to become the CEO of your own health so you better understand how to direct your health care naturally. I’m so excited that you are looking for solutions!

Q: How safe is your program for breast cancer survivors? +

A: Super safe. I teach you how to balance your hormones naturally. We don't take any hormones.

Q: I have a lot of food allergies. I would like to join but just can't eat things with nuts, eggs or fish. +

A: All you need to do is show up.... nothing additional is required. There will be no need for you to eat nuts, eggs, or fish during these 15 days. The focus of this program is on 15 self-care practices (Robin’s secrets!) to balance your hormones. You'll love it!

Q: Are there products and supplements that are recommended in this program to make it effective? +

A: No. There are no supplements or special products needed to be successful in the 15 Day Hormone Reset. 🙂

Q: Will you discuss Lyme disease in the 15 day class or is that separate? +

A: This program is not specifically for Lyme disease but it is specifically for helping you to get healthier AND to begin to become the CEO of your own health. So youll feel a lot better once the program is complete, and you’ll feel more confident about how to support your body to heal.

Q: Is the program going to help relieve hormone imbalance? +

A: Yes! You will begin to feel so much better and you’ll learn how to keep it going because you’ll better understand what’s happening in your body.

Q: I was just wondering, can this really help with insulin resistance? Especially dealing with hirsutism. +

A: Yes, absolutely! This program will help you to become more insulin sensitive, and you'll also learn what's happening with your hormones around hirsutism.

Q: My hormones are shot from taking yaz. I've been told I can't I change my hormones now. +

A: It’s just not true. You can heal. In this program you’ll learn the necessary steps to get your body back into balance. I know you can feel so much better.

Q: I can't take pills or exercise. I'm wondering if this would work for me? +

A: I'm sorry to hear you can't exercise, but it's OK. There are no pills you have to take and the movement part you'll have to improvise, but the other 14 hormone-balance practices you can do.

Q; What if you have had a complete hysterectomy? Does it still work? +

A: Yes, absolutely. This program is for ALL women who want to learn how to balance their hormones naturally and feel so much better.

Q; Does this help to reduce inflammation and constant pain? +

A: Yes. Balancing hormones is very beneficial for reducing inflammation and pain, because every step that Robin teaches reduces inflammation.

Q: Is this a diet program or lifestyle practices? +

A: It is not a diet program, but in one of the Guided Practices I will show you how to eat for hormone balance. You'll really enjoy the program. It's lovely and very simple. You'll be SO happy not dieting or overexercising.

Q: What if you have an autoimmune disorder? +

A: This program will be wonderful for you. It's a total body healing program…so it will help you to reduce inflammation and heal by addressing some of the root causes behind your autoimmune condition.

Q: I just had a miscarriage at 4 weeks. Will this be good for me to reset my body and try again? +

A: So sorry to hear...yes, this program will be wonderful for you. I hope to support you.

Natural Hormone Solution

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The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.


Join the Waitlist and I'll send you an email when registration opens! Next Reset Begins September 2024.