Menopause Workshop

3 Keys to Eliminate Nagging Symptoms

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Menopause Workshop Feel Better Now!

ELIMINATE: Hot Flashes, Insomnia, Weight Gain, Anxiety, and Fatigue

To HRT or not to HRT?  That is the question!

Well, maybe not for some of us, but if you're suffering from these nagging symptoms of perimenopause and menopause...

  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes, night sweats, or both
  • Anxiety, irritability, depression, mood challenges
  • Weight gain that won't come off no matter what you do
  • Dryness
  • Painful intercourse
  • Leakage
  • Insomnia

...then it's time to figure out what's going on.

You're aging too fast and these symptoms are the result of a broken metabolism.

It’s your time to feel fabulous beautiful woman!

Menopause Workshop What You'll Learn
  • Just how bad things really are - you’ll take a Perimenopause + Menopause Assessment to get your SCORE.
  • How things got this way and why it’s not your fault.
  • The hormone myths that may be keeping you stuck.
  • How it’s possible to feel better now than you ever have in your life.
  • The 3 Keys to heal your metabolism and balance your hormones!

Get FREE Access to the Workshop Replay!

Menopause Workshop Meet Your Host
Robin's Hormone Reset

Robin Nielsen, Hormone Expert

Robin Nielsen is a Functional Clinical Nutritionist, and Women’s Hormone Expert specializing in hormone balance, to help women grow younger no matter what their age.

She is the founder and CEO of Natural Hormone Solution, supporting women to take charge of their health so they can feel more vibrant, confident and sexy.

Over the years Robin has supported tens of thousands of women through her life-changing programs.

Robin is the creator of the very popular Robin's Hormone Reset program, the Natural Hormone Solution membership program, the Sexy Younger You conferences, and the the Natural Solutions for PCOS online conference.

Her private client programs include Heal Your Hormones and Hormone Harmony.

She is a sought after speaker, and has been interviewed on more than 100 online conferences and podcasts.

Robin has interviewed more than 200 of the world’s leading health care experts on the science to take charge of your health, heal naturally, and to be well.

Robin is past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She has been featured on CBS showcasing her Women's Surf Retreats.

Natural Hormone Solution

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The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.