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Hormone Balancing Resources to Feel Fabulous!

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Hormone Balancing Resources to Feel Fabulous!

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Get Unplugged!

“Unplugging” during the workday is critical to productivity, how you interact with people, your problem-solving abilities, health and wellness, and your overall enjoyment of the day. That’s because chronic stress is a killer – literally! According to Hans Selye,...

Lose the Embarrassing Gas

“Everyone has gas, it’s normal,” according to digestive expert, Eizabeth Lipski. We “pass gas” an average of ten to fifteen times a day. It mostly comes from swallowed air, but can also come from chewing gum, drinking carbonated beverages...

Dining Out Guidelines for the Conscious and Conscientious Eater

A good friend of mine said recently, “I find it really embarrassing to eat out at a restaurant with my new husband now that I know I need to avoid wheat/gluten and dairy. It’s such a hassle ordering. Could you write an article on how to make it easier to...

Make an Oil Change to Feel Fabulous

On our call last night, Reclaim Your Happy, we were talking a lot about healthy fats for managing and improving moods. As T.S. Wiley says in her book Lights Out, “We’re eating less fat than ever before…If eating saturated fat caused obesity, we would...

Robin’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oh, these are very yummy! Treat them gently as they are fragile… 1 jar crunchy peanut butter 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 cup butter 2 eggs 1/3 cup organic date sugar (puréed dates) or fruit purée 1/3 cup chopped peanuts or hazlenuts 1/3-2/3 cup dark chocolate chips...

Women, Food and God

One of my wonderful clients told me about a new book that was featured on Oprah, Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth. It has everything to do with eating, weight loss, maintaining your weight, feeling good, loving and honoring yourself. My Just Lose It! weight loss...


Join Our Sisterhood To Transform Your Health & Get Support

This group is created to support you to overcome symptoms of hormone imbalance naturally, in a loving, safe space. You will learn how to naturally address your health concerns so that you can live the beautiful life you were meant to live, and actually LOVE your life!


Join Our Sisterhood To Transform Your Health & Get Support

This group is created to support you to overcome symptoms of hormone imbalance naturally, in a loving, safe space. You will learn how to naturally address your health concerns so that you can live the beautiful life you were meant to live, and actually LOVE your life!