Member Resource Center


Welcome to the Natural Hormone Solution Resource Center!

Access to The Resource Center, including all 12 Training Modules, is only available when you have purchased any one of the Natural Hormone Solution 5-Element Programs.

If you have already purchased a Program, click here to login and get instant access to all the resources in the center.

If not, click here and select the Natural Hormone Solution 5-Element Program that's right for you.

When you complete your order you'll get instant access to all 12 training modules in The Resource Center including:

  1. Training Videos & Audios
  2. Library of Tools & Tips Handouts
  3. Support From A Tribe of Hormone Experts & Other Women Just Like You
  4. Hormone Friendly Recipes from the Healing Kitchen
  5. Reset | Restore | Renew - Mindfulness Practice
  6. Weekly Video Tips

Click here to order now and get started!

If you still have questions, click here to contact us.


Robin & The Natural Hormone Solution Team

MODULE 8: Test Don't Guess


Hormone Assessment >> click here to download

Symptom Assessment >> click here to download

Daily Check-in Journal >> click here to download

Food Cravings Quiz >> click here to download

Master Blood Work CompositionWorksheet >> click here to download 

Adrenal Questionnaire >> click here to download 

Blood Work Review Facebook Replay >>

COMMUNITY: The Natural Hormone Solution PRIVATE Facebook Group

Please post your questions and comments in the Natural Hormone Solution PRIVATE Facebook Group. It is the best-ever community to support you on your incredible journey. It's a gathering place where hormone experts & like minded women come together to support each other and share their health stories, challenges and successes. >> Join the Private Facebook Group Here

CONTACT US: We're here for you

If you have any questions please email us at

Let’s do this thing … TOGETHER!
Robin & TEAM


Use the icons below to quickly identify specific content for each of the 5 System Elements within each module.

Nutrients    |  Food as Medicine   |  Movement as Medicine    |  Cravings Awareness    |  Group Support

© 2024 Juvenescence, LLC | Natural Hormone Solution

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. The information and products are not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional. Alway seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes and to share with your provider any information pertaining to your well-being, including the advantages and risks of using of supplemental nutrition products.