Hot Hormone Tip: Are You Overexercising? Check Your SEMCH

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More exercise is better, right? Not necessarily. If you’re getting plenty of exercise but still experiencing problems like insomnia, fatigue, or irregular menstruation, you may be pushing your body past its current limit. To gauge how much activity you can handle, check your SEMCH: sleep, energy, menstrual cycle, cravings, and hunger.

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Hello beauties. Oh my gosh, it's so great to be here with you. So today I have another hot hormone tip to share. All these little things help you move just a little bit farther on your path to feeling so much better because small changes over time equal really big results. That's how we roll here ladies, we don't have to do everything all at once. Just small changes over time it will really big results. So we had a great question come in today I'm just gonna kind of go through these each week and answer one of them. So Shaelyn Jade Turner ass. Hey, guys, I'm coming from a past of low, no fat, high carb, low calorie dieting and I went through a whole long phase of hair shedding so she was losing her hair and mild insomnia. Since increasing my fat and protein my hair shedding has improved significantly. So I'm going to interpret that she's losing less hair is what I'm guessing. However, I have worse insomnia specifically after doing any cardio or getting my cortisol up at all. I play soccer and I've had to stop because I wasn't sleeping after games. I want to get well so I can get back to playing and sleeping normally, any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you shaylen Or yeah, for, for asking that great question. So we want to refer to something called What did I call it here cinch cinch when we're looking at sleep or movement, because what happens is we cannot over extend our chi or energy, we cannot overextend our current body reserves. So we may want to push hard, our brain says let's go play full out. Let's go play soccer. Let's win that game. But our energy reserves are saying something completely different. Your body is saying I can't do it. Right, I don't have enough energy. I can't push that hard. But adrenaline will make you push harder than you really should. So what happens is you go to play a soccer match or a soccer game, and it's just way too much for your body. So you stress it out a lot. And what happens is you become tired and wired, your body just can't settle down, you don't have the reserves. So your cravings go up, your hunger goes up, your sleep is a mess. And your menstrual cycle if you're still menstruating might start to get irregular. And I think I covered all of it. Yeah, and your energy goes down. So one way to check this is really about checking to see if the exercise that you're doing is right for where your body is right now. Right? We don't want to over extend our chi and chi stands for energy. Chi stands for energy, but a dear colleague of mine, you know, when my hot sexy lover was going through cancer treatment? You know, the question came up about, you know, how much exercise should I do? And she said, Well, you know, as much as your body can do, you know, just Don't overextend your chi. And I really liked that concept, because that applies to all of us who are trying to heal and feel a lot better. So Shaelyn The trick is to to start where you are right now. So you can't play soccer matches right now, or you can't do soccer games, right now. It's way too much. And, you know, as you know, soccer is really heavy cardio sport. So that's very depleting anyway, so you know, whenever you're running constantly like that, it's a breaking down, it's a breaking down activity. So you're breaking your body down a lot, because you don't have time to recover. So anytime you're just running, running, running, running nonstop. It's a breaking down activity. So you're breaking down your muscles, your bones, your organs, potentially, your brain chemistry, because your body needs to pull from somewhere to get those resources to keep you going. So chances are you just you know, you just haven't had a chance to heal yet. And I don't exactly know what the cause of your hair loss was. There are three different reasons that you could be losing hair on your head. But if it's mitochondrial dysfunction, you know, then then you're just low in energy. And and if your sleep wasn't great, that was probably the case, too. So one thing that happens for women is that is that if we're just too stressed out all the time, or In our brain, our brain, lets go of our hair. Because our brain actually doesn't, our brain decides that we don't need hair to survive. It's like no, we can do without that. Because growing hair, it actually takes a lot of energy. So it's really important to use your resources, right for growing here instead of playing a soccer match. So start thinking about this, like, how can I, you know, rebuild my energy, and maybe eventually get to play your soccer match. I had a client who has a long distance runner, so she wanted to do my private program. And I said, No, I said, unless you can stop running for six months, because I there's no way I could get her to heal if she didn't stop running. So finally, I think it took two years. Finally, she said, okay, and she came into my private program and didn't run for six months, and she healed, everything felt so much better. And then she got on the calendar again, and started running and started really rocking out her half marathons. So you can do it eventually, you just can't do it right now. And I love that your hair is starting to grow back in. That's awesome. I didn't see carbs on your list of things that you're eating. So carbohydrates are energy. And if you're too carb deficient, you're going to be you're going to be stressed out, it's really stressful on the body not to eat enough carbs. And carbs are really like, you know, vegetables, but, but also some a little bit of starchy vegetables with every meal so that you have enough carbohydrate to sleep at night. So a really great way to tell if the exercise you're doing is right for you where you are right now is to check your stench. And that stands for sleep, can you fall asleep and stay asleep. If you can't, the exercise you're doing is too much. The next one is energy. If you're wiped out after you exercise, it was too much for you. So just tune into that. So it's S E, MCH, sleep energy. The next one is menstrual cycle if you still have one. So if your menstrual cycle becomes irregular, you're doing too much exercise for where your energy is right now. The next one is cravings, C, right. C stands for craving. So if after you exercise, you have crazy cravings, then the exercise that you did was too much for you. And the last one is hunger, if your hunger goes through the roof, right, you're just can't say shit yourself, the exercise was too much. So check your sandwich. SCM see a H to see if the movement that you're doing is right for your chi or where your energy is right now. And just give yourself time to heal, you know, newer really depleting yourself with the diet that you were on. So it's going to take a little bit to bring you back. So sleep is way more important than playing soccer, he was going to feel so much better gonna heal so much more quickly if you can get some sleep. So it's great to eat a really high protein breakfast within an hour of waking. And then you want to have a little bit of carbohydrate at dinner so that you can sleep well. And you also really need a lot of adrenal support. But both of those things are going to help with adrenal support. So when I say a high protein breakfast, 30 grams of protein at breakfast. And so that's a lot. Yes, but you want to eat that with some great vegetables, great vegetables that you balance out the acidity, and you get some fiber in there. So we learned a lot about this in Robins hormone reset, which is coming right up the end of January. So you'll get to sign up for it in early January. So be on the lookout for that limited teach you all of these incredible, awesome hot hormone tips over seven days, where you're going to really feel like you have a handle on what it takes to be hormonally balanced. So all these little tips over seven days. And after seven days, you're gonna feel like wow, this is so great. I finally have some tips that are gonna be really helpful for moving my health forward and they're not really my rules, but they are your body's rules. So check your sandwich and and alter your level of movement, according to your current energy level. Less is more right now. Alright shaylen Thanks so much for the great question today. We'd love to hear your progress. You've already made some fantastic shifts in your diet. Yeah, let's do it. All right, sending you lots of love
