Midlife Exercise Mistakes and How To Fix Them

In This Video:

According to exercise expert Debra Atkinson, the fitness industry owes women an apology. Until recently, standard exercise advice has focused on endurance and promised a one-size-fits-all approach that emphasizes quantity over quality. But much of the research supporting these ideas were from studies of young men! This has led many women to push themselves harder and longer without results, often only making things worse. In this video, Robin talks with Debra about how new research is showing the benefits of strength training, especially for middle-aged women. Debra explains how the right type of exercise for you is the one that makes you feel the best, and that with a tailored approach, a little goes a long way.


Questions I Answer

  • Why doesn’t conventional exercise advice work for all women?
  • How do I know if I’m doing the right kind of exercise?
  • How can I measure my progress without looking at the scale?


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For a minute. Welcome, everyone. We're just going to arrive for a moment. Take a deep breath and just be here for this beautiful hormone breakthrough Wednesday. Yes. You get into our bodies for a moment, which is exactly what exercise that is right? The beautiful Heather Houston you're.

Well welcome everyone. That's a beautiful Heather Houston. And the song is called surrender. Isn't that so gorgeous? So beautiful.

Talk about hormone balancing. Yes, getting into our bodies are some beautiful music, some beautiful music. It's so great to be here with you today. It's hormone breakthrough Wednesday, and with a very special guest on today. I love I love this special time that we have together so that we can say yes to ourselves, and take charge of our health so that we can be in a place of wellness and peace and love and the present moment more of the time. So that spreads to your family, to your community and to the world. Right so that we can live a much more wonderful existence here on this planet. And our earthly bodies. Yes. So today is all about midlife exercise mistakes and how to fix them. And it's especially important in you know, post menopause but also, you know, Peri menopause and some of the damage that we do even earlier, you know, when we just don't know so my special guest is going to share all about that today and her name is Deborah Atkinson. Deborah, it's so great to have you on today.

Thank you so much for having me. I love this topic. You know, I love you. And now I'm in love with that artists. So thanks for sharing that.

Yeah, there's really beautiful and she's a big part of the hormone reset. And yeah, she's just, she's just a gorgeous singer. She leaves choirs and stuff. So yeah. So I'm going to tell you a little bit about Deborah. Deborah, she is a best selling author with six titles serving women and men flipping 50 as well as as well as fitness professional. She has 37 years industry experience including roles as senior lecturer in Kinesiology at Iowa State University American Council on Exercise, subject matter expert and medical fitness network, Educational Foundation Advisory Board Member she's a certified and SCA CSCs as medical exercise specialist and coach, you graduate. She also has an awesome TEDx talk, I believe. What is the name of the TEDx talk?

Why everything women in menopause learned about exercise? Maybe a lie.

It's so good. No, have to watch it. So so good. Well, welcome. So wonderful. Thanks so much for having me. And we were just talking about how you are. You're out in the woods.

I'm in the woods. I'm in the sticks. Yes, literally. So I'm very near Boulder, Colorado, for those of you that know, and combining a little business trip or scoping out and venues for an upcoming flipping 50 Retreat. But I'm also combining that with family so we just met for a hike this morning. So it's so fun. Yeah.

Oh, that's awesome. So awesome. We were talking about how important it is to be in nature, you know, to be under the stars to be able to actually see the stars you know, and the and the moon and yeah, to just be in nature. So you're going to help us a little bit with exercise because I know for me I needed this when I was in my 20s Right. And because for decades you know when January rolled around, I would over exercise and under eat and I would really like wreck my metabolism even more and I Yep, I lose some weight, but then I gain it right back. And so it wasn't sustainable. You know. And not only that, but it totally continued to keep my hormones out of balance. So I love this. You're, you're gonna share how the fitness industry was women, specifically women over 40 and apology? Oh, my gosh,

about that? We do. You know, we've made it very hard because among among us, we contradict each other, you know. So, if you go to your timeline today, if you're participating in social media, you will find one expert, quote, unquote, they're calling themselves that, right. We do that too. And in our industry, there is no standardization as far as licensure. So someone can say they're a personal trainer without actually being certified. And there's that. And, you know, the assumption is, if you would walk into a gym and trust that you're getting assigned to a trainer, perhaps that that they've been vetted, there is a good opportunity that they have not been bedded very well. So there are over 80, different certification agencies, 500 different kinds of certifications, some of which come like a crackerjack box over a weekend. And it's very easy to low barrier to entry. But I think the biggest part is, we contradict each other, we make it hard for you to choose. And I think it's very difficult for for anyone to sort through what is based on science and what is simply passed over. And it's a rumor, and this is the way we've always done it. So we need to continue to do it that way. And that's where really, the highlight falls on midlife women, because because things changed so dramatically. And the exercise prescription the guidelines we've always followed, no longer fit. And they don't take into account the fact that we've changed and we don't have the same hormone profile as young athletic men who are most often the subjects in studies. So for on on everybody's behalf or sorry, we've confused you with the conflicting advice.

Yeah, so true. And you do have to look at studies, right. And you do have to see who the studies were done with, because most studies are done with men. And we don't have the benefit of knowing the impact of many, many things I was just reading a study on this is pretty cool on cranberry powder for actually opening blood vessels. So being you know, really great for keeping blood vessels open. So it's like a nitric oxide, kind of. Yeah, and the studies were all done on men, really. So you're like, well, shoot, you know, I like to keep my blood vessels open too. But you know, what does it look like for us? And what does what's the Delta scene and all that? So? Yeah, it's it's, it's not a great commentary anyway. So we'll have to, I guess, find the funds to do studies for us. Yes. So so. So Deborah was on the, on our great live stream for the hormone reset. She was You were amazing. And it was so great to have you and you're kind of helping us to get a better handle on what it looks like to exercise for hormone balance. Because we, of course, we all want to be rockstars we all want to push ourselves, I don't know what that's about. We want to be strong and confident and sexy. That's what I always say you want to be strong code and sadly, but but we have to do it right. Or we continue to stay tired and crave sugar and not sleep well. So kind of walk us through why traditional exercise programming doesn't work for the majority of women in midlife and beyond.

And for the reason that we've discussed is that, you know, our hormones are chained. So when our estrogen levels drop, our cortisol levels go up. And we have to remember that even even though we're advised by health experts, medical experts, American Heart Association, American Cancer Association, to exercise that we all should be exercising. It's not going to fit if it's just a big bold and broad X amount of number of minutes per week or so many minutes per workout or that you should be feeling or in a certain intensity level for your workout because first we have to say how do you feel All today to know if we're giving you the right exercise prescription. So we have to remember exercise also is stress. So when we are, you know, midlife women, I think we can all agree we're in in a perfect storm, our hormones, first of all, I'm shamed. So there is that phenomenon, none of us can change. For many of us, we may be at the peak of a career, or just at the peak and bridge of a lifestyle change kind of that bubbling up up, I want to do something different, or I want to do something more, maybe I want to do it with someone different. There are so many changes that happen. And in often, young adult children that still depend on us some and older aging parents that are depending on us, there's three generations kind of looking at us. So there's so much happening, that all contributes to our stress levels, the change of hormones, so that it makes it trickier not impossible not to sleep, means that we don't have the right hormones to support building exercise. And our first concern actually might be restoring and getting back to let's get better sleep. Let's focus on nutrition and focus on kind of getting centered and being present to decrease our stress levels and really tap into how do I feel? What is the answer to that question? And then when we go there, we can decide what's the next step. So rather than just looking at, you should do so many sessions of cardio per week or so many sessions of strength training and what that looks like? We want to say, first of all, how are you feeling right now, ultimately, there is a formula, but it's when you're feeling well, that will work. And if you're not feeling well and restored and ready, that we need to look at. Okay, let's take a look at what's not working and make a few changes here.

Yeah, so good. That's so good. Because it's because we'll push through, you know, no matter what, because we've, we've been told that that's what we need to do. One of the gals who was on my team for years, she stayed at the gym for two hours, every day because she was overweight, the overweight was due to nine different birth control pills over a number of years to try to regulate some of her symptoms. And so she would stay at the gym for two hours. She was exhausted she had cystic acne, she was 70 pounds overweight, but that's what she thought she had to do if she wanted to trim up and when we switch that up, right and and we went walking Yeah, lost the 70 pounds was skin clear, you know so so you gotta get really clear, you know, on on what you're ready for. And if you're joining in with us live today or you're watching the replay, I would love for you to post right here where you're joining in from It's so wonderful to connect with others who might be in our area because we have women from all over the world here and then what is your current favorite exercise? What is your current favorite form of exercise? So one of my new clients who I was talking to yesterday you know, she's she's tired and she's gained 10 pounds and she just can't get off and she's doing some pretty hard yoga like five to six days a week and you know, we think of yoga as you know, a more restorative exercise but here in the West we've turned it into a sport

so true

so yeah, there has to be a conversate like you know things aren't working how you're doing them then you've got to change it up you know I talked about you know, checking your checking your hunger your cravings, your sleep your menstrual cycle if you're still menstruating your energy right, we call it this shmack Check your smack to see how exercise is serving you or not. So share a little bit about that for us like how do we figure that out?

Yeah, definitely. And we're totally on the same page we want to look at, you know, once firing so if you're already craving doing long, long endurance types of exercise tends to be the nemesis for midlife women. And it is for decades what we were conditioned to think we needed. We we began as young adults, many of us, we learned, you know that classes an hour long really were the ones that count it that mattered. And if we didn't have an hour, you know, I mean, why exercise? That was kind of the philosophy that 20 minutes really well then do it? I don't think so. And now we know that it snacks of exercise for 10 minutes of quality exercise, and quality could be simply going for a walk at a self selected pace around the neighborhood. And that may be exactly what you need to support your blood sugar to decrease your cortisol level, and to just refresh and get you up and moving as opposed to sitting if that's what you're doing during the day. So it's very important that we take a look at what hormonal effect are we having. And those, you know, we don't need a lab to tell us if you have cravings, potentially long endurance exercise is going to actually break down more muscle, we tend to see a falling off point, cortisol levels continue to rise as opposed to come back down. I'm often asked by women, wait a minute, does an exercise decrease cortisol? And the answer is an unsatisfying, it depends. So yes, if you're doing the right dose for what's true for you right now. So we absolutely will, even though if you love it, it may physiologically not be the match for what you want, I can tell you that I'm a recovering endurance exercise woman. And we can also start a support group if you like. And I can lead it. I mean, that's how bad it is, even now, that would be what I choose to do. And I know better between here knows it, the rest of me just has a heart that wants to go and do that. And we tend to increase that cortisol level after somewhere between about 60 and 75 minutes if you're going that long, and you're going with any significant intensity at all. So if you're even in that steady state exercise, the jogging, and you're doing that repeatedly thinking, I'm not getting the reward, the benefits not coming back to me that I think I deserve, it may be that you need to, you know, change up one day go for a walk, we call this actually training as opposed to straining. So there's a difference in your exercise. So save that one day a week, allow yourself that it's like junk exercise junk food, junk exercise, allow yourself okay, I can earn that the rest of the week, I'm going to maybe go for a walk instead, maybe I'll do high intensity where I play with higher and then low really recovering in between, and you're changing up using the energy systems, we have three. So if you always go the same distance, same pace, you won't tap into those. And you want to make sure that you're getting that variety, and then you may be able to tolerate that long thing you really love and truly love it again. So there's so there's so many factors. But here's the biggest caveat is so many of us are cardio queens, or have a history of that, that my I think my sole mission here on the planet right now is to get every midlife woman to be a convert to strength training, do the strength training to earn the cardio that you love. And you may find, just find that the strength actually makes you feel better and stronger, hold yourself differently, and change so many things about your hormone balance, that we're not going to get that reward from endurance. If you think about it, like seventh grade, you know, those girls who were just the Mean Girls, cardio is that mean girl, you think you want to be a part of that group, but she's always going to be mean to you, never giving you what you really want. And strength training, on the other hand, will always deliver there are quote unquote, and this is from a research study. There are no non responders to strength training. At any age, at any stage, you might start or change. We didn't benefit.

Isn't that something there are no non responders I love that is because it has just such a beneficial hormone profile, right? It's just Yeah, cortisol does not come up and stay up, right it can make up and comes down. And it's so good for insulin sensitivity.

Yes, exactly. That was the first one right so a lot of women in fact, midlife women who go to their doctor and get this devil stating like, you know, bad news, like you're pre diabetic, right. And hearing those words is a little bit of an insult and, and especially if you feel like I've always watched what I'm doing, I'm active and this strength training will support blood sugar levels, and therefore support your insulin level. And so one of the best things that someone can do for pre diabetes or for diabetes, and often that's the weight loss resistance piece for women, so, but why start it for that? And why wait until you have a, an a prescription? Right? Why wait till a doctor says that when you could prevent it, and you can also gain the other benefits. So testosterone is another, another hormone, we're familiar with the sex hormones changing, and growth hormone are two, if we do that endurance exercise that some of us really love and are drawn to like cocaine, you know, we actually trash our testosterone. So we're probably going to notice, you know, we can't actually put on lean muscle, because we don't have enough testosterone, it's a requirement. And we may not have as much libido either, because it's required for that. You may not feel as much a boss in the boardroom, if you're in charge at work and making decisions. Testosterone is beneficial for all those. And growth hormone is the other one, growth hormone and, and testosterone both we create less of as we age. And, and we're always that's always going to be true, we could decrease that production less. So if we exercise appropriately. So avoid that lots of endurance activity, get some strength training in and and then when you're ready, if and when you're ready. High Intensity Interval Training can also be very beneficial for increasing testosterone growth hormone.

Yeah, and that's where you build muscle. Right? Yeah, that's right. And you burn fat, and muscle burns, fat prints way more calories and fat, right, way more calories.

Right? Yeah. And so you know, I think that's where, you know, if you're forced to say, I only have so much time today, what should I do? You know, I think often historically, we've looked at which one is going to burn the most calories? And I would love to say to you, that's not the question that I wish you would ask. I wish you would ask which one is going to change long term, my body composition most optimally. AND, and OR stress my two hormones, the least negatively, and that is going to be strength training. So if you're due for a strength training workout, and you have to choose between cardio or strength, choose the strength. By the end of the year, getting that lean muscle mass makes the difference with blood sugar control with increasing lean muscle that is metabolically active burning more calories all day just sitting here. You if you're a string training woman are burning more calories than if not.

Yeah, it's so great. I love that. So if you have a choice, right, you would always choose strength training for the right hormone response. And I love with some of the ladies service walking, hiking, dancing. I love that. Yeah, it's coming with a lot of stiffness in my calves and thighs. Alright, so there's some other things going on there. Yeah, I walk and do Block Therapy. What is that? I don't know what Block

Therapy is. Is it Nerve Block Therapy, like

and the face? The fascia work has kept me pain free. So maybe that's it? Yeah. Yeah. Photo walks in nature walking on the beach. Yes, so Julie says I love or I'm willing to do strength training, but I really dislike gyms. So solution and we do have one for you. Yes, we do. Yeah. Yeah, you can do. Okay, so someone's giving me advice here. All right. Yeah. So so let's talk about that. You mentioned some really important things. It's really a hormonal response that you're looking for, for exercise. You can't I call myself or I call myself the the over exercise under eat bow tie pastry girl, bowtie pastry, mocha girl. And that was because when I was in my 20s, I would not eat breakfast because I felt that if I ate breakfast, I would just be hungrier for the rest of the day. Yeah. And that's very true when we eat carbs for breakfast because carbs When you eat carbs, you want to eat more carbs. But that was the belief I had at the time. And that's all I knew. So I didn't eat breakfast. I went to Jazzercise, right, which is cardio for an hour. And then I felt like I deserved a mocha. Right, which, you know, was way, way, way back when and a bow tie pastry, you know, like a little croissant, but a little sweeter. And, you know, thinking back on it, it just cracks me up, because I couldn't possibly, like have even burned enough calories to have that. And there's this whole idea that well, I just burned all these calories. So I can have that. Right. And, and what you don't realize is that you're not burning nearly enough calories to have something like that. And why would you want to go work so hard? And then throw it all the way? Like it makes no sense. So we're learning a new way, a new way here today with Deborah. Yeah. All right. So we want to know the non scale signs that you're going in the right direction, or that we're headed in the right direction?

Well, kind of flipping the checklist for it's not working, you know, you don't have cravings, your energy is fairly stable throughout the day, again, comes back to the blood sugar. You don't have those dips, exercising in the right way will tell you that this is your clue to breadcrumb like Hansel and Gretel that, yeah, you're going in the right direction, you're probably sleeping better. And here's a just a great tip. If you're thinking I don't know, I'd like to start or I'm doing something 10 minutes a day, just 10 self selected pace. Robin and I are not going to tell you it has to be so far, you're going to have to get breathless, you just choose how fast or slow Do you want to go? 10 minutes a day of exercise increases your quality of sleep by 33%. That was from a poll by National Sleep Foundation. Back in 2013. I think I've been saying it ever since because we kind of need to hear that reinforcement for just a little bit does so much. And And honestly, if you're tipping the scale in the opposite direction, you may find the opposite. You know, I think we believe we can escalate that. So okay, great. If I do 30 or 40 or 50 minutes and on my sleep will be fantastic. You will find probably a falling off point where you'll have the opposite. Again, if you're overtired, we're over exhausted, it won't have that same effect. So it's very important. And we should mention time of day is a factor. So when you're exercising most intensely. Ideally, you do that earlier in the day. So I love it to be you know, early, literally like breakfast time. But if that's not possible for a lot of people, you know, a lunch hour break when you exercise or early afternoon, the later in the day it gets the ideal is that the intensity of your exercise comes down. So if you missed a high intensity interval training, you don't want to make it up after work, you ideally would instead go for a walk or do yoga. And that's going to do more for decreasing cortisol, optimizing your body's ability to burn fat because when we remove cortisol, we do that. If we add cortisol, we go more into fat storage. So that's not going to help your creation of lean muscle mass. So important that we kind of full circle and come back to those things. So your libido will also improve. So if you're exercising correctly, you're going to notice you probably feel a little better. And that has to do with so many things. But so many exercises will get you moving, get you to be in and feel your body and you move your hips if you can, you know figure out what am I doing? Maybe it's Pilates, maybe it's swimming, maybe it's just I'm doing squats and lunges, that's moving up pelvis. And that activity actually helps us feel a little bit more confident. Feel a little bit more sexy.

I love that. So great. more is not better. That's the message here more is not better. 10 minutes, right? Well, like 10 minutes in a day. 10 minutes. That's so great. So Deborah, you you have a program coming right up. And I think today is a really important day for this program. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Because it's really all about what we've been talking about today. It's helping helping you kind of, well, it's guided right so you have support. So tell us what this program is about.

So it's Literally, it's called stronger. You know, we call it stronger. We don't call it skinny, you know, for a reason. I like to say strong does things skinny didn't even dream about. And that's really what we're after. I think as we age, it becomes more important how we're doing that. So this is most importantly, made for midlife women, the science behind every workout was not how I felt, even after almost four decades of being in the industry, it wasn't about my creativity, when I got up in the morning and wrote a program. It's about use of studies that have been proven to be effective for women in menopause, in any stage of menopause. So I didn't use studies where these were men, or these were mice, or even young women, because again, it doesn't apply. And we don't know with confidence that what worked for a young man is going to work for us. So it wasn't including us, we didn't include it. And what we're using is very basic exercises. So you won't in the program see a lot of variety for variety sake. And the reason is this, we know that we need adequate stimulus, we need adequate overload. And the best way to do that is take the core exercises that really are known to work and help us function, bending over to pick things up picking up dogs, and babies and groceries out of cars and all of the things we do just in living to make those things easier and have transfer. doing them with more sets and or more repetitions in workouts is a much better way to increase the overload than to do a lot of exercises, but not add enough overload for any one exercise. So I know it's kind of a it's a tough challenge for some women who are like, but I so need variety. And, you know, the dance you want to dance is what will hook us all I think is results, feeling and seeing results. So you want to make sure that you're thinking what am I number one priority is is it bone density, is it to change or optimize body composition, meaning weight loss may be a goal. But it may not for some of you, you may be at adequate weight or even be underweight and need to increase that muscle mass. Either way, increasing muscle mass is the solution to optimizing body composition. And we do that with those main core exercises done correctly, knowing how they should feel and how they shouldn't feel getting the adequate cues, knowing we've lived in our bodies for 30 or 40 more years, and we've probably got some niggles. So you know some little signs that I need to be a little bit more careful than I do than I did when I was 20. You know, I think any one of us could say that. One thing we don't want to be saying is I was in the best shape of my life right before I got hurt, then there are a lot of exercise programs out there that are very intense. And that will move you in certain ways, but not necessarily deliver the change in your body composition that ends up resulting in you feeling better, with optimal hormonal balance due to them. So the picking is, you know, really important for you and looking at what's the science behind this. So I'm a believer of two times a week, the workouts are 45 minutes or less a week. And so you spend 90 minutes total, at most per week doing it. So it's 12 weeks long, 24 workouts and the greatest satisfaction I have in developing it is people come to it. And women will say I have never been able to stick with it before. Two times a week was doable. This was realistic. And I'm going to pat myself on the back. And a lot of times women don't do that. So be prepared. But I think my special sauce is being able to cue you in a way that answers questions before you know to ask them. So women will say I felt like you were in the room with me and you knew my shoulders were sneaking into my ears. I felt like you knew that my weight wasn't on my heels and you told me at just the right time. So you know that I think is so very important. We don't need an injury to happen. And when I know from 40 years of watching women, I can help prevent those things from happening.

I just posted the link to your program here on resume and Lisette is posting it in the Facebook group. And and so a few things I heard you say, and I just want to kind of reiterate. So like this is an incredible opportunity to get a an amazing professional write somebody who really knows her stuff, especially around women to be supported to be supported around exercise. I heard two days a week. So yes, just do really great. 24 sessions over 12 weeks, I think, yeah, that's so doable. exercises that are going to make us stronger, that are going to increase growth hormone, testosterone, help us sleep better, right, help us just feel stronger and more confident. And it's called stronger. It's called stronger. And so this is, this sounds amazing. Because it's so confusing. You know, there are so many exercise programs out there on the internet, there's so many YouTube videos, you know, it's easy just to go and pick something but you're not. You're not necessarily been with someone who really knows her stuff, especially, you know, post menopause. And I would, I would like to put a plug in for women who are pre menopause as well. This is fantastic for you, too. For you, too. We're all too busy doing too much. And it's keeping cortisol elevated. And it is keeping you stuck in hormone health. So it's really important that we understand the right type of exercise, so that we can reach our health goals. So I highly recommend Deborah's program stronger, it's going to be amazing, it's gonna be a game changer for you. Because we're just busy pushing harder and harder, and it's keeping us stuck. So let's do this. Right, let's, let's shift a habit that's not working. Let's shift it to actually and see what you notice. And you know, on the other day is walk, you know, go walking and improves insulin resistance so much and helps us stay balanced and sleep better and be happier. And I think one of the other things that we didn't talk about was, was just really kind of powering through your brain chemistry. When you over exercise, you know, it makes us depressed, it makes us anxious, we eat more, you know, sugar, you could screen call it carbs, whatever you want. But you just you're driven to eat the wrong foods, and we just don't feel happy. And so we want to stop doing that. We want to stop the vicious cycle right of over exercising, making wrong food choices, not getting enough sleep, and then being really unhappy with our health. And Deborah's program can help with so much of this.
So true. So well said to Angie's point. I think Robin you alluded to it. But now is a perfect time. But the difference for perimenopause, you know, which is what I would just guess Angie is where you're at whether you've felt any symptoms, or not most of us in our 40s are already getting there. But absolutely, the program is ideal. You and actually, postmenopausal women need more intensity than you do right now girlfriend, so it's very appropriate for you. We don't age and lose the need for intensity, we actually gain the need, but not for time. So it's all about make the time we do spend count, and do it safely. Yeah. Great question.

And you had talked about how, how there's there not a lot of there's not a lot of diversity in the program as far as different activities. But I think that is, I think that's so much better, right? Because it makes repetition so much easier. Understandable, and you're not off doing a gazillion different things. You're just doing this one thing or this one thing, right? It makes it so much more doable.

Yeah, it's it's actually I just pulled myself away from a study this morning looking at benefits of a very static, much more static program and then what I'm offering so you're gonna get a variety within workouts. The exercises don't change dramatically how we use them, this sequence do we put them in pairs or threes or in a circuit? That all changes because diversity within good choices just like with food is important. We don't want to do the same thing every time. But we do want to do it with a protocol that matters. For bone density, repeating the same quality exercise is known to work was shown To in postmenopausal women, again, increased bone density, you know, 10 and 20 years ago, we did not say that. And the reason is, there weren't studies on postmenopausal women. So we will be the first generation to prove that potentially lifting weights heavy enough at ad may still increase bone density, which is very exciting. So we're cutting edge.

That is so exciting. Yeah. And so is it possible for you to share with us, the women from our community who join the program? Because we would like to give a bonus for those ladies who say yes to stronger. Do you say when you say yes to stronger, and you join now, so today, today's a special day in that the pricing increases tomorrow? Right? Right. So today, the program is how much?

It is 97 Right now it's 50%. Off we reward early birds, because we all have reasons we could procrastinate. Right? So jump in right now. Say yes to yourself.

Yes, that's our motto. Just say yes. Tomorrow, the price goes up to
tomorrow, the price goes up to 147 147.

So it's today. So when you join today, we're going to give you nine, nine, shake up your summer shake recipes. And we're gonna give you 20% 20% off coupon to one of our protein powders, so that you can eat well while you're doing Deborah's program. And really rock out your gorgeous summer body, your gorgeous summer body. Yeah, so Deborah's team will let us know. And we'll get that sent off to you next week. So say yes, today, whether you're listening live or listening to the replay, jump in. And I know that we have some fitness professionals actually watching today. And so I think it's a it's really wonderful to see what Deborah does so that you can do that with your own clients, right? Your own patients even because I know that we have a chiropractor on with us. And yeah, and I just think it's fantastic. So thank you so much for being here with us today.

Well, thank you for having me. So I hope to see so many of you in what very Do you have all of it? The whole package Robins just giving you the keys to the Kingdoms?

Yeah, because I think it'll be great because you know, you got to have your good food. Your great workout. Life is good, so good. All right. Let's give Deborah so much love ladies, like we do so much love. And we're just so grateful for you. Thank you so much for being here with us while you're in nature, and enjoy the rest of your trip.

Thank you. Thank you all for being here live and for the great questions. Appreciate you. Yeah.

Bye. Bye, everyone. Great to see you today.
