GMA Tuesday morning review Men share in the stress and sleep deprivation when a newborn arrives. “… a feeling of complete sadness, deep sadness.” They can feel completely overwhelmed. A man’s risk of depression doubles after a newborn is born. 1 in 4 new dads may experience paternal post natal depression. Men go through hormonal[…]
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Postpartum Depression – in Men Too?
By Robin Nielsen Hormone Balance, Restorative Sleep May 18, 2010
Is Acid Reflux or Indigestion Keeping You Up at Night? (and why Tums with Calcium will not help you build bone!)
By Robin Nielsen Bone Health, Indigestion/Acid Reflux, Restorative Sleep Sep 01, 2009
Better Sleep, Better Life™ Acid reflux or heartburn can make it hard to go to sleep or stay asleep at night. It can make our chest tight, cause irritation in our throat, create a burning sensation in our esophagus, and cause a feeling of gaseousness or fullness in the abdomen. Our neighbors ate Tums like[…]
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