Hot Hormone Tip: Eating For Hormone Balance

In This Video:

The food we put into our bodies has a big impact on our hormones. Poor dietary choices can cause inflammation, leading to a variety of issues, including hormone imbalance. Because of this, learning to eat for hormone balance is one thing you can do to feel so much better.

In this video, Robin outlines the benefits of eating for hormone balance, including releasing excess weight, reducing inflammation, and boosting energy. She also discusses why a diet that balances hormones can look different for men and women.



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Hello, beautiful. Hi, this is Robin Nielsen. And it's so wonderful to be here with you today for my hot hormone a tip. Oh my goodness. So this week, we actually have something called a hormone breakthrough Wednesday, where I'm going to come on live with you to answer your questions around food. But today I want to share it, the number one thing that you can do to feel so much better. And it is around food, it's learning to eat for hormone balance, post that right here, the number one way that you can feel so much better is learning how to eat for hormone balance. I want to see that you posted that right here. Oh my goodness. So that's really how we can get our bodies feeling so much better so much more quickly, you know, to release that last 10 to 20 pounds, to feel more balanced with our moods, right to get rid of anxiety, get rid of depression, to boost our energy, right so that we're not so tired all the time. And yeah, to really solve about any health mystery that we have going on. And that's because food is information. And for many women, we have been depriving ourselves for decades. That's what I did. I deprived myself for decades, because I didn't know how to eat properly. And I quite honestly, I was afraid of food. So I would eat treats, basically things that I loved, and then I wouldn't eat for the rest of the day. I mean, my eating was so messed up, and it caused so many health problems. So food is information, and it turns your genes on, or it turns your genes off. And there's a field of study called epigenetics. And it's all about how what we learned from our parents, is has the biggest impact on our health. Isn't that crazy? The way we learn to take care of ourselves has the biggest impact on our health. And epigenetics also is is about environmental influences on our body. So it it encompasses more things. But the biggest impact is really what we learned from our parents. And one of the biggest things we learned is how to eat. And women and men are very different when it comes to using food, to balance hormones and to feel well so we're no longer going to eat like men, ladies, we are going to learn how to eat to take care of ourselves. Men are on a 24 hour cycle. Women are on a 28 day cycle. It's very, very different. So on Wednesday, I'm going to give you this scope, the 911. On that, right, no, not 91141 used to be 4110. My goodness, I'm probably really aging myself, I'm gonna give you the information, we'll just do that the information on how to eat for hormone balance so that you can reduce inflammation, you can release that last 10 to 20 pounds, you can balance your moods, right, you can feel so much better, and you can reduce inflammation. Because if you have things going wrong in your body that are not feeling well, it's because you have a lot of inflammation going on. So I healed many, many, many things just by changing my diet and learning how to eat for hormone balance. So let's do this post right here. We're going to learn how to eat for hormone balance or eat for hormone balance. So let's do this. I'll meet you right here on Wednesday, and post any questions that you have around food, you can post them here, or you can post them on the hormone breakthrough Wednesday post because that's what it's called on Wednesday. I will be here live with you right here on Wednesday. And we're going to learn how to eat for hormone balance so we can feel so much better. And I think you're going to be so happy when you learn that we're not going to deprive ourselves anymore. We're actually going to learn how to eat. All right, so I need you so much love
