Hot Hormone Tip: Fix Menopause Moods With Better Brain Chemistry

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It’s no secret that perimenopause and menopause don’t come with a manual. Without the right information, many of us can end up resigning to symptoms like depression or anxiety. But the truth is, if your hormones are shifting, your brain chemistry is also shifting.

Instead of relying on doctors or medication, you can change the narrative by learning ways to better support your brain chemistry. Menopause doesn’t have to equal suffering, and a little knowledge can go a long way.

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Hello, beauties, hey, this is Robin Nielsen. And this is Labor Day, Happy Labor Day, I hope that you're spending some beautiful time with your families and friends that are outside and just really enjoying yourself and paying attention to some much needed self care, because that's how we stay feeling pretty darn great. Oh my goodness. So I want to share a little bit about our brain chemistry, brain chemistry, because this month is all about moods and cravings. I II brain chemistry, right. And I want to just talk about that and how, how it impacts our hormones, especially as we're going into perimenopause, and menopause because we have our beautiful three day event coming up on September 19. And I want to make sure that you're registered, if you're in that phase of life of perimenopause, menopause. So anywhere from 40 Plus, you will really benefit from just really understanding what's going on in your body, what's going on with your hormones, you'll be able to navigate that whole, you know, 20 years, so much better, and you can feel fabulous, no matter what your age, I felt old when I was young. And now that I'm post menopause, I feel great. So it's just a process really, of learning how to take care of your body. And I think that that's, you know, one of the one of the big things that we have to learn in this lifetime is how to take care of our bodies, how to take care of the body that we're given. And, you know, I was talking to a friend the other day and she said, Gosh, it is such a blessing that you are having this program on perimenopause and menopause, because nobody teaches about this. And it's a shame because we're navigating our hormonal chaos, it seems like all the time, but we're not told what's going on or how to navigate it. So let's learn about this. Let's take charge of our health. And let's feel so much better. Because we totally can, we can do this naturally. So be sure to register I posted the link right here, register for this free event. And if you can purchase the VIP experience so I can support you more personally. So today's hot hormone tip is really all about how hormones and brain chemistry interact. So when our hormones are out of balance, guess what is also out of balance our brain chemistry. And you know, there is that musical was the called the cause called menopause, something like that menopause. Because it menopause, it's a laugh, I don't know, it was something like that. And I went to see it with a girlfriend. And, you know, they gave you fans as you walked in. And the women were laughing hysterically. They were as they were fanning themselves in the audience and I was crying. Like it was the saddest production I have ever seen. Because the women on stage the actors, they were, they were suffering, right, they had, they had extreme hot flashes, night sweats, depression, anxiety, and, and they were joking about getting Prozac and getting drugs to, you know, manage their symptoms. And I was crying. And I thought this is the saddest commentary I've ever heard. You know, we're just, we're, we're not depressed, right? Our hormones are just out of balance. But you know, if you go into the doctor with concerns like that, that's oftentimes the only tools they have. I had a client who was having a hard time breathing. And she was told that she was depressed and just needed to take some Prozac. And she tried so many different drugs and nothing helped her she needed to get her hormones balanced. So I don't want to put down the medical community because they are amazing. They are incredible. They save our lives every single day. But it's not a fix for perimenopause and menopause. Like that's just an education thing. So if your hormones are out of balance, your serotonin is going to be out of balance. You're what we call catecholamines. You're done dopamine, your norepinephrine, epinephrine, they're going to be out of balance. So it could very easily be that you feel depressed and anxious. At the same time, very easy, because what happens is serotonin drops. And your cats go up. So I call it kind of going splat on the ceiling, so you're kind of tired, but you're wired. Have you ever felt that way? tired but wired. So this month you're going to learn more about brain Chemistry and even in our perimenopause, menopause three day event, you're going to learn a lot more about what's going on with your brain chemistry, as well as your hormones and why you're starting to feel different things. And not like yourself, right? Not like yourself. So just know that if your hormones are shifting, your brain chemistry is shifting. And in my private programs, right, we, we know that willpower is a finite resource and cravings is in this category. Because really, it's all about adjusting your brain chemistry, so that you actually have some willpower. And if you don't have willpower is because your brain chemistry is just out of balance. So let's get it back into balance is pretty fun. And what I like to say is when we get your brain onboard, right, then you're more motivated, happier, and you're able to do the self care so much better. And I know that if you're in this beautiful group here with me that you're looking for a natural solution. So let's do this. Ladies. I will meet up with you and the perimenopause, menopause, three day events, we're going to demystify this time in our lives where we get so tired, right? We get fatigue, we get that belly fat that we cannot lose no matter what we do. And we feel anxious and depressed and let's get out of that. Right. Let's get out of that. We totally can. Alright, so post right here a couple of things. comment right below this video. If you signed up for the perimenopause menopause event, and also, maybe share a couple of things that you might be experiencing, you know, around brain chemistry, you know, are you feeling a little bit anxious? Are you feeling a little bit depressed? Do you have low moods, you know, is your energy low? Are you suffering from low motivation or even apathy? You just don't care? Right? You're not motivated to do anything. And kind of apathetic about it. Share where you are so we can support you. All right, sending you so much love, love
