Our pets need the same special attention we do if you want to avoid high vet bills and unhappy, unhealthy pets. I’ve been promising my dog food recipe for quite some time, so today here it is! My dogs, Sunshine and Floyd are like my children these days, and I take care of them just[…]
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Yummy Up Your Life with Food Basics, Part 2
By Robin Nielsen Food, Healthy Lifestyle, Weight Loss Mar 28, 2012
Let’s continue the feeling-FABULOUS journey! What you eat and how you move can get you 90% of the way to growing younger. Spring time is upon us and it’s a great time to get re-energized around food to improve your body’s imbalances quickly. Part 1 of “Yummy Up Your Life – Nutrition Basics” included information about the basics of a[…]
My good friend, Elaine, from Thailand sent me this picture of some fruit that she eats. Some is quite funny looking and, yes, these are all REAL carbohydrates. But let’s back up. What do you think of when I say “carbs?” If you’re like most the list might look something like this: breads grains cereals[…]