Heal Chronic Pain by Fixing Your Hormones

In This Video:

Chronic pain can be a constant source of stress that we learn to live with. But it can be life changing when we realize how much better we feel when the pain is gone. Robin talks with Laurie about her struggles with pain and inflammation, extra weight, brain fog, and more. Laurie shares how learning to be more connected with her food and prioritizing her health healed her chronic pain, and was easier than she thought!

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Welcome to hormone breakthrough Wednesday. Hello, I'm Robin Nielsen. And I'm honored that you've chosen to be here with me, because I know there are a lot of ways you could be spending your time. My mission is to show women how to take charge of their health naturally, so they can be in a place of wellness, happiness, peace and love more of the time. So this spreads to their families, their communities into the world. I'm here to help you take back control of your health. Your healing starts here. And despite showing up today, your genes, your genetics, your DNA, are already starting to express themselves for the better. You're already healing. Let's feel more confident, vibrant, and sexy together. Welcome to today's program. Oh my gosh, I have such a beautiful guest with me here today who has really done some amazing work. She definitely took charge of her health and my team really picked her out of many women, because she she's really been doing the work and she's seen some incredible changes in her health and it's kind of what can happen when you say yes to yourself, and you take charge. So I'd like to give a really warm welcome to Laurie Sprague. Laurie, it's so great to have you here. Hi, it's great to be here. Thank you. Did I pronounce your last name correctly?

Pretty cool. Oh, Sprague.

Reg. Okay, great. Wonderful. Wonderful. So, so last year, and maybe well, before that you were having some, some not so great health symptoms, and you didn't know if they were hormonally related or not. Can you tell us some of the things that you were experiencing?

I felt like I didn't know my body anymore. I had fatigue. I couldn't sleep. I had severe hot flashes, night sweats. Inflammation galore. I was sweating in places that I didn't know I could sweat in. Oh, when I wasn't thinking straight, I was making mistakes that I'd never made and in, in things that I do often. And very forget for forgetful headaches. I had so many things going on. I just needed help. I just I needed to figure out what was going on with my body.

Yeah. So I have some notes here and tell us about about your moods about joint pain about kind of the struggle with weight that you had going on?

Yes, severe weight gain. I think over the last five years or so. helps me kind of creeped up. But I am going to say I gained 40 pounds. It was tremendous. And yes, I was trying to get exercise. I started to do some strength training at one point or go walking every day. And there was always a reason in my body why I couldn't go walking that day my ankles were hurting. Or I'd be doing strength training and turn a certain way and I would tweak my ankle or my wrist. I had problem with my wrist like things that I wasn't doing very strenuously, but they just felt weak. My joints would ache. I mean, I could see the inflammation in some of my joints. I could feel it it i Yeah, it was I knew that I wasn't a young person anymore. But it seemed like I aged 40 years in a you know, two years. So it was it was hard to get a grasp on.

Yeah, and tell us about your moods.

Oh. I isolated a lot. Because I was just I knew I was miserable. And I just didn't want to take it out on other people because I started to do that and I knew I did that. So and it was up and down. Sometimes I would be fine. Sometimes nothing would happen. I would just be very low. Oh, down in the dumps. I felt I did feel moody at times. And I really wasn't ever like that I was pretty upbeat, you know, positive person most of my life. And so yes, I was moody.

So you said that for a couple of years, you've been experiencing these things? Is there anything that you can think of that kind of set things off for you? Is there something in your life that happened that that you think maybe started, started some of these symptoms happening?

No, nothing, nothing really major happened in my life. Maybe I was noticing some food allergies, but I didn't really relate. Anything to being moody. It was. It was sporadic. And it was getting to be more often than not. And it would just be at random times, maybe just at work or, you know, out at a function or even talking to a friend and I even had a couple of people mentioned to me, you know that I didn't seem like myself, and asking me if something was wrong. Yeah, no, I don't nothing major happened. Yeah, so it was very confusing.

Yeah, life event that happened that said, Ah, okay, now I'm in trouble or? Yeah. And that's, you know, that's very common. I mean, I definitely experienced a lot of the things that you have experienced, but at a much younger age, you know, as a lot, a lot younger. And so, so you knew that you? Are you you had a sense that you needed help. Right? And somehow you found Robin's hormone reset? And tell us about that, like, how did you find it? How did you decide to say yes to something that you really knew nothing about? You didn't know if it was going to help you or not? Like, how did you? How did you go about joining?

I was desperate. And knew that there were a lot of different types of groups on Facebook. And so just one of my searches was in Facebook, and I just put hormone issues or hormonal changes in the Facebook search bar. And yours was not the only one that came up. There were quite a few. But you had a course. It wasn't just, you know, weekly lives. It wasn't just questions and answers. It was interactive, and it was a commitment. And it was an actual syllabus. Like each day, we're going to learn something about what's going on with our bodies. And so to me, it wasn't, you know, a blast of information all at once. It wasn't quick and done. And if you caught it, you didn't, you know, hopefully you caught some some of that stuff, because you can never go back to it. This was more organized, it was laid out nicely. I felt that you made a very big deal about the commitment part. If you miss something, it's not going to be beneficial. So really make this commitment to yourself, you can do it, it's on asking a lot of time. And I loved that. It was that organized. And there it was only a certain amount of time. It wasn't, you know, just a few days on and it wasn't going to be lasting for six months. It was a condensed amount of time, but long enough that I knew that I could just concentrate focus on this one particular subject, learn from it and make maybe a change or two, according to that subject and then move on to the next day. Yeah.

Well, you really showed up and you really took action. And that's what I request when you come into the program because I don't want this to be just another program, right? We're good at signing up for things are not so good at seeing results, right and making a commitment to showing up and you totally cleared out your calendar you committed. You showed up and you took action. And one of the things that we do is we take hormone assessments every day. When you did the program. We took it before the program started and then We, you know, did the action steps in the program and we took it again at the end in the program that we run now that's coming right up right on September 26. We actually do a hormone assessment every single day. And then we add all those up, and then we do one at the end. And so it's a little bit shorter than the than the reset that you did, you know, so you had a little bit longer to take action and see some results. And then since then, you have also joined the natural hormone Solution Program. So you have kept it going. But I really love to anyway, you said yes. You said, Yes, I'm going to do this, this looks organized and stuff, like something I can do. It's not too long, but it's long enough, where I can maybe see some results. And so you had said something like you had a feeling that your issues were hormone related, but you just didn't know where to start. And, and we also have notes that you felt really overwhelmed by, you know, consulting Dr. Google, with there being so much information out there. So yeah, does that sound about right?

Yes, it does. Yeah, that's That's exactly right. Yeah. So do you

remember your complete hormone assessment score when you first started the program?

I had a astonishing 61.

Yeah, so you were at 61. So what's interesting about the complete hormone assessment is every point is a symptom, right? Every point is a symptom of hormone imbalance. And were you surprised at some of the symptoms that they were related to a specific hormone?

Absolutely. Yes. I

think that's really, really helpful information. It's like it is I was someone who was like running from one task to another all the time. Right. And that's elevated cortisol. And who would know? Right? Yeah. Yeah. All right. And so after? Well, as of this month, August, right, 2022. So it's been almost a year. So you had 61 symptoms? And I guess you just took the complete hormone assessment again, and what was your score?

Five, five.

ratable, like going from 61 symptoms to five symptoms, like, that's unbelievable.

And it's only because, I mean, I still have hot flashes here and there. I'm not riddled with them, like I used to be, but, uh, five.

Incredible, incredible. So let's talk about some things that have improved for you. So what are some of the things that have improved that you've noticed?

So I definitely don't have the joint pain at all, anywhere at all. Wow, amazing at all, at all. So and like I mentioned, my ankles were the biggest issue. Yeah, they're totally fine, they feel stronger. They're not inflamed. And other joints as well. That's that that's right at the top, because weight, my way is important. But But at any way, if I'm in pain, I'm in pain. So that that was incredible. So that's right at the top and my weight loss, I lost weight. So inflammation went down. And I feel good. Like that's the the overall, you know, whether I am overweight, I'm still a little overweight, you know, according to the doctor, but I am much less weighing meant less than I did. But the way I feel is more important than what the scale says. Absolutely. So that's a huge when that inflammation really affected me. And it was affecting my mood. Yeah. From the way I move around, and I do a physical job. So inflammation and joint pain, were the two things that I just needed help with at the top, so I could move around in my job. And then all the time.
The pain is a big stressor, you know, and I think that yeah, that we just push through it and we learn to live with it. And then once it's gone, we're like wow, like it's life changing. You know, when when pain is gone. It's just life changing. I And when it's there, it's a constant underlying root stressor, right? It takes our hormones out. So that's really powerful. So, no more, no more knee or ankle pain, no more joint pain, incredible. And, you know, that's something that we attribute to just getting older. I mean, you'll hear people say that, Oh, my gosh, it's so hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. I'm just getting older. But as I go into my day, the pain lessons and you're like, Well, you know, why are we being tolerating that? And it's because we don't know that we don't have to have that.

Right. And even now that you mentioned it, it didn't even occur to me that I had severe knee pain from being a runner when I was younger. And so my knees were bothering me, even after I stopped running for years. And now that you mentioned it, my knees haven't hurt in since in a year, and almost a year, because I walk, and sometimes if I had walked too far or too much or too often, my knees would hurt. And now that you mentioned it, I haven't had that pain at all. Either. I forgot about it.

That's so great. I know. That's why we do the assessments because when things improve, we forget all about them. Yes. To say, that's better, better. That's great. Yeah. That's a wonderful

way. Yeah. And then the other thing that you mentioned, just mentioned to you just mentioned the knees and something else. And yeah, it's all better.

Yeah, the knee and ankle pain. I mentioned that and then you felt lighter and your clothes were fitting better?
Yes, yeah. And you

said that you've decreased a lot of inflammation. And I think what's really important to note there is that inflammation is water weight. So when we begin to release weight, we're releasing sometimes water rate weight, and we and we discount it. It's like, Oh, I'm just, you know, releasing waterway big deal. But that's inflammation. And that's really important to celebrate. Because you're you're releasing inflammation. So huge,

is huge. Yeah.

Yeah. And then tell us a few things. You said hot flashes really improved? Definitely. I'm sorry. Yep. Hot flashes improved, and you've ever released 20 pounds?

Yes, I have. That's incredible. Yep. And that was that was

in the overworld the last year. So it was gradual. It wasn't, I didn't go on a diet. I just changed my lifestyle. And that's what happened.

And do you feel that? You know, maintaining your current weight is doable without dieting?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yes. And I think

that's one of the biggest things is that, you know, releasing weight is really a side benefit of getting healthier. You know, so we have to get healthy to lose weight. And then it's so easy to maintain it as long as you continue to take care of yourself.

Right. So what I have found is that I haven't dieted at all, at all, so great. And if anything, if I felt like I needed it, I might have done like a cleanse but a very short term cleanse. And that's, you know, short term, it go I go right back to my regular healthy eating. And I find that not only do I love now, I never did before, but now I love preparing my healthy foods. I actually enjoy it. I used to think too much time, you know, don't feel like doing that, but I enjoy that. But I really enjoy how I feel after I eat the healthy foods. And they're all from your approved food list.
So great. So great.

I I jumped right in at first adhere to just what was on. I found it is very doable. Very doable. Yeah. So doable. It's not Yeah, you know, the foods that I was eating that are not on the list. I actually thought about it. I said, Well, what would the foods that I was eating? They were causing me inflammation. Yeah. So yeah, and I don't

want to do on day two, right as we talk about food, because because I know so many of us You know, feel like we know what to eat, you know, we know what to eat, but just with a few little tweaks, right, you can really refine it in a way that is game a game changer, you know, for hormones for feeling better. Yeah, you you really have done some, some amazing work for yourself on behalf of yourself. You said yes to yourself to join the reset. You said yes, to show up to the reset. You said yes to the national hormone Solution Program. And you've seen all these incredible benefits. So what would you say to a woman who is thinking about joining Robin's hormone reset?

Say yes to yourself. And trust that this is good information, and it works. And it is doable. And after I did it for a little while I enjoyed this healthy lifestyle. I actually enjoy it. So saying yes to myself. Not only change the way I feel physically with the inflammation in the joint pain and everything, but emotionally, I think it did something for me where i i Because I took my health so seriously and said yes to myself. I I just made myself more important. And it made me feel good. To make myself important. I mean, who's gonna? Me? So if you're on the fence, say yes to yourself. Say yes. And trust, trust that it will it is going to make you feel better. It absolutely will. It will. It's a commitment. It's a commitment. But when you make the commitment, you will emotionally and physically feel so much better. So much better.
And I love that it's a process, right? So we're used to a quick fix, you know, we want to pill or we want to die it I mean, that's what I did for decades, right? I dyed it every January. And I think that's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But you know, I would always release some weight, right? But then I would go off the diet. And then when you have the diet, you gain the weight right back, right? So we need to shift our mindset. And that's the first thing that we work on on day one is mindset, right and setting sort of the foundation for a healthier way of being in the world. And we have a number of ways that we do that. So it's really fun. And Laurie, I am just so inspired and impressed by you. You're just like get goosebumps. You're so amazing. And and it's totally doable for every single woman.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Well, this is the first time I've ever met Lori, I am so honored that she said yes to join us today. And Laurie, where are you joining in from?

Rhode Island.

Rhode Island so special. Ah. So for those of you listening, like what are some of the symptoms that Laurie talked about, that you can relate to? You know, the the joint pain, the hot flashes, the weight gain, irritability. What else the kind of

brain fog, brain fog

trouble sleeping? We didn't talk too much about that. But you know, what are some of those symptoms that you can relate to? And what are some symptoms maybe just list two that you may be experiencing that you would really like to resolve. And, and you know, that's definitely a start to naming it. So you can change it, we want to name it so you can change it. And and then we'll definitely be reading every single post here. And let's give Lori's some big love for showing up here today. Just out of the generosity and kindness of her heart. Right to help to inspire and, and lift us all up. Right because we have big, amazing things to do in this world and we cannot be taken out by health issues. We just can't right we we deserve to feel amazing. Yeah. Well, thank you again, so much, Laurie, for being here today. Thank you. Yeah. Thank
you for having me.

You are so welcome. And I look forward to seeing you and the upcoming reset. Will you be joining us?

I am Oh

awesome. Oh good. Well, we will look for you in there. And definitely look for Laurie and give her some love in the reset group too. And you know She's one of the kind of experts now so you could ask her questions if you want to All right well sending you so much love Laurie and sending all of you so much love and we
