One of my good friends, and a former client, told me recently that he had just begun using a CPAP machine to sleep. Somehow he figured out that his sleep at night wasn’t restful so he went and did a sleep study. He had been snoring since he was a child. He discovered through the[…]
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Sleep – One of Life’s Greatest Pleasures
By Robin Nielsen Adventures of the Black Hibiscus Rash Guard, Bone Health, Flu, Indigestion/Acid Reflux, Restorative Sleep, Weight Loss Dec 31, 2009
British Rank Sleep as Life’s ‘Greatest Little Pleasure’ December 30, 2009 There’s no denying the benefits of a good night’s sleep. We love waking up refreshed and ready for the day. According to a recent poll of 3,000 Brits, our friends across the pond agree. The poll, conducted by the British company Bachelors, found that[…]
Do we wait until we get on a plane to catch up on some much-needed rest? I wonder. I am flying to Chicago for a conference and everyone around me is sleeping. Many look worn out. Do we wait until we are forced to just sit to get some much-needed rest?
Sleep Does Burn Fat & Build Muscle
By Robin Nielsen Restorative Sleep, Travel, Weight Loss Nov 12, 2009
One of my clients gained almost four pounds of muscle and lost almost two pounds of fat by catching up on her sleep. Wow! I talk about this all the time but this client now gets it. Restorative sleep produces growth hormone which helps our bodies burn fat and build muscle. Then, we burn more[…]
Running on 4 hours of interrupted sleep feels just like I remember it. My brain is foggy, I’m craving carbohydrates and I’m grumpy. Go figure! I finished up my conference in Las Vegas, went to bed in my hotel room about 10pm, fell asleep about 11pm, and then was up at 3:40am to catch a[…]